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Clyfford Still Museum

Clyfford Still: The Colville Reservation and Beyond, 1934-1939

Clyfford Still: The Colville Reservation and Beyond, 1934-1939

Regular price $ 45.00
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The first softcover book devoted exclusively to one historical era of Clyfford Still's life and work, this volume sheds light on Still's years at Washington State College and his summers in 1934 and 1935 at Yaddo, the artists' retreat in New York and his work at the Colville Reservation in northeastern Washington.

The reservation's native people were "beautiful and tragic," according to Still, and his encounters there encouraged the development of an artistic sensibility that would produce some of the most original painting in the history of American art.

Essay by curator, Patricia Failing, professor emerita, division of art history, University of Washington - Seattle.

Softcover/72 pages/full color images

This catalog also comes in a deluxe three-box set, which includes A Light of His Own, 1920-1933 and The Early Years: Clyfford Still in Canada, 1920-1933 catalogs as well.

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